African Academic Mobility Network Doctoral Scholarship Program in Water Resources

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The Intra-Africa University Mobility Program encourages cooperation between African countries in higher education. It aims to promote sustainable development and ultimately contribute to poverty reduction by reducing the availability of a qualified professional workforce in Africa.

The aim of the program is to improve the skills and qualifications of students and staff through improved mobility between countries in Africa. Strengthening cooperation between higher education institutions in Africa will increase access to quality education and encourage African students to undertake postgraduate studies on the African continent. In addition, staff mobility (teaching and administrative) will strengthen the international cooperation capacities of higher education establishments in Africa. More specifically, the Intra-Africa university mobility program aims to:​

  • Contribute to improving the quality of higher education through the promotion of internationalization and harmonization of programs and study plans within participating establishments;
  • Allow students, academic staff and administrative staff to benefit from linguistic, cultural and professional knowledge, thanks to the experience acquired in the context of mobility to another African country.
  • The Intra-Africa academic mobility program is set up within the framework of the Pan-African program (development cooperation financing instrument), and is based on the experience of the intra-ACP academic mobility program.
  • The African Academic Mobility Network in Water Resources (AWARMN), which is a project of the intra-African academic mobility program, was created to respond to the urgent water needs of the African continent

In this context, the partner institutions of the African Academic Mobility Network in Water Resources -AWaRMN collaborate for the implementation of the mobility program at the Master (MSc/MTech) and Doctorate (PhD) level according to the following specializations:

  • Rhodes University Water Resources Research Institute, South Africa (IWR)
    - MSc in Water Resources
    - PhD in Water Resources
    - MSc in Hydrology
    - PhD in Hydrology
  • Regional School of Water, University of Kinshasa
    - MSc in Water Resources
    - PhD in Water Resources
  • Federal Technological University, Minna, Nigeria (FUTMINNA)
    - MSc in Applied Hydrobiology
    - PhD in Applied Hydrobiology
    -  MSc in Hydrogeology 
    - PhD in Hydrogeology
  • Makerere University, Uganda (MU)
    -  MSc in Water Chemistry 
    - PhD in Water Chemistry
  • National Higher School of Hydraulics, Algeria (ENSH)
    - MSc in Hydraulics
    - PhD in Hydraulics
  • TU Delft in the Netherlands - technical partner.

The DRC program for postgraduate training in water resources has been validated and aligned with the Intra-African Academic Mobility Program in Water Resources. With its expertise in water resources issues, the Congo Basin Water Resources Research Center (CRREBaC) of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences was chosen as focal point and support laboratory for research and development work. capacity building of learners for the implementation of this program within our institution. CRREBaC positions itself as a support body for research and capacity building in the water resources sector, thus constituting an interface for collaboration and exchange of information and experience between the academic sector and the professional sector.
Notons que ce programme de mobilité académique intra-africaine concerne aussi les personnels académique, technique et administratif de l’Université.

For more information, visit the program website AWaRMN