Mission of CRREBaC
Contribute to the sustainable management and development of water resources in the Congo Basin, through research that provides scientifically acceptable information and viable solutions to emerging water resource problems. This mission is achieved through research programs that promote technology transfer; generation, dissemination and application of results; access to interdisciplinary expertise; and which ensure the emergence of scientific and technical capacities.
To ensure that research output generated is of the greatest value to stakeholders and policymakers, CRREBaC is committed to:
Conduct research in a manner that is impartial, open-minded and meets the highest standards of methodological integrity.
Generate a foundation of facts that enriches the public dialogue and supports sound decision-making.
Employ tools and methods of analysis that are well suited to the research question at hand.
Describe our findings and methods accurately and in sufficient detail to permit the public to evaluate the credibility of the results.