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Postgraduate training program at Master/DES-DEA level

Postgraduate training at the level of Master or equivalent of DES/DEA covers a period of two academic years. The program thus offers five specializations which focus on the potential water resource services available in the region of Central Africa and the Congo Basin, including :

  • Water and Biodiversity
  • Water and Energy
  • Water and Navigation
  • Drinking Water and Sanitation
  • Water Irrigation and Food Security.

Diplomas awarded

Master or equivalent MSc/DEA

Profiles sought

We are looking for young, talented scientists capable of technological innovation in the Water sector.

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Candidates must hold at least a bachelor's degree, engineer or equivalent in the field of Agricultural Engineering or Agronomic Sciences, Civil Engineering, Geography, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, or a closely related field. The language of instruction is French, however, some lessons could be taught in English on the basis of the mobility program in which teachers from other partner institutions could come and teach lessons locally. The general conditions of access and admission for learners in the third cycle as set by law must be respected. The teaching staff is made up of professors at the national and international level. 

The Master's program (MSc/DEA) in Water Resources extends over two academic years, including twelve months of courses and six months of research, plus a period of two months for the development of an integrated project, internship or case of studies, all satisfying 120 credits.

Program Duration

The Master's program (MSc/DEA) in water resources extends over two academic years, including twelve months of courses and six months of research plus a period of two months for the internship or development of an integrated project or case study. studies, all divided into four semesters and satisfying 120 credits.

The program offers a combination of engineering and water resources management aspects, thus taking into account the water resources management challenges initially mentioned.


application file

Candidates wishing to register are invited to submit their files no later than May 10, 2023. The file must contain the following elements :

  • A letter requesting registration addressed to the Director of the Regional School of Water and Coordinator of the Intra-African Academic Mobility Program in Water Resources ;
  • Curriculum Vitae ;
  • A certified copy of state diploma ;
  • Certified copies of academic records and Bachelor's, Engineering or equivalent diplomas ;
  • A cover letter ;
  • Two letters of recommendation.
  • Proof of financial support

Applications can be submitted physically to the Secretariat of the Regional School of Water/University of Kinshasa [CRREBAC/Batiment FOGRN], or by email to with the mention “Registration Master in Water Resources/ERE/Unikin”. National candidates or any other country required to register must secure a source of funding to cover study costs including :

  • Participation in theoretical and practical courses
  • Laboratory and field work
  • Guided tours
  • Professional internships
  • Research and writing of the dissertation
