During the last decade, several studies on the water resources of the Congo Basin have been carried out by the team of researchers based at the Department of Natural Resources Management of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, for the implementation of collaborative research activities. aimed at new discoveries and improving knowledge on the dynamics of water resources in order to support management strategies. Such activities were carried out with the support of :
World Bank
Development of a Water Evaluation And Planning –WEAP– model for the Congo River Basin: World Bank Project on Enhancing the Resilience of African Infrastructures to Climate Changes 2013-2014
Development of Regional Constraints for Streamflow Prediction and Climate Change Impacts Assessment in Ungauged Catchments of the Congo River 2015-2016.
Assessment of the Status of hydro-meteorological services in the Democratic Republic of Congo (ECCAS – GWP).2014-2015
Other activities have been implemented outside of the Congo basin, which includes support to GEF (UNDP, UNEP, UNOPS) on Integrated Water Resources and Wastewater Management in Small Island Developing States in Atlantic and Indian Ocean. 2013-2017
Royal Society - DFID
Implementation of the CRuHM (Congo River users Hydraulics and Morphology) Project under Royal Society – DFID funding. 2016-2020
Assessment of vulnerability and adaptation measures to climate change in the water sector in the DRC, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the DRC. 2013-2014.
Implementation of MESA (Monitoring Environment for Security in Africa) programme, EU-AU. 2015-2017
Through these activities, the Department of Natural Resources Management of the University of Kinshasa has established a foundation for collaboration at national, regional and international level. Some of the partner institutions include:
Water Navigation Authority (RVF) of DRC;
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of DRC ;
The Congo Basin Network for Capacity Development in Water Resources (CB-HYDRONET) of Cap-Net UNDP ;
The International Commission of the Congo-Oubangui-Sangha Basin (CICOS) ;
Congo Brazzaville Waterways Service ;
The Institut for Water Research, Rhodes University in South Africa;
The Department of Water Resources Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Dar es Salaam University in Tanzania ;
The School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol in the United Kingdom ;
The School of Civil Engineering, Leeds University in the United Kingdom ;