Database of the study on the Climate-Water-Migration-Conflict Nexus (CEMiC) in the Congo Basin

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Integrated Information System on the Climate-Water-Migrations-Conflict Nexus in the Congo Basin

This is the document presenting the integrated information system needed to address the nexus between climate, water, migration and conflict in the Congo Basin. It is based on a rigorous and multidisciplinary methodological approach which consists of designing appropriate tools for field surveys and data collection campaigns, data analysis, the creation of a statistical database and the creation of a web interface with the aim of making this information system publicly accessible to users and stakeholders.

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Quantitative data


General information and identification elements

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Financial inclusion (savings, access to credit and circulation of money)

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Improved economic autonomy of women

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Property rights, methods of conflict resolution and resilience of...

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Perception of migration

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Domination over/Control of water resources

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Water uses

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Health-hygiene-Sanitation and Environmental Risk Management

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Migration, Insecurity, Conflicts

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Housing, household assets, household expenditure and food security

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Transfer of water from the Congo Basin to Lake Chad

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Access to resources and perception of climate change

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Access to basic social services

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Qualitative data

Audio and video transcription report

From the investigation into the Climate-Water-Migrations-Conflict Nexus in the Congo Basin: Haut-Uele, Bas-Uele and Ituri

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Thirty (30) transcription sheets produced in connection with the Climate-Water-Migrations-Conflict nexus and gender-related inequalities in the Congo Basin

  • Challenges of integration of Mbororo transhumant herders in the province of Bas-Uele in the DRC
    Form N°1

  • Controversial legal status of Mbororo herders: climate refugees or invaders
    Form N°2

  • Perception of local leaders on the presence of Mbororo transhumant herders in the Uélé provinces
    Form N°3

  • Opinions of natives on the origins of migrant breeders and the great unknowns

  • Role of local authorities in the access of migrant breeders to the national territory
    Form N°5

  • Complicity of Mbororo breeders with the forces of evil (LRA), a hidden agenda of the balkanization of the DRC 
    Form N°6

  •  Presence of migrants and challenges for local populations to access basic social services
    Form N°7

  • Poverty and precarious social conditions of local communities 
    Form N°8

  • Migration routes used by Mbororo herders to reach the Congo Basin 
    Form N°9

  • Security situation and migratory influx of Mbororo transhumant herders 
    Form N°10

  • Challenges of access to drinking water in the study area 
    Form N°11

  • Opinions of women on the fragility of agropastoral conflict resolution mechanisms in the study area 
    Form N°12

  • Perception of climate change and effective presence of migrants in the province of Ituri
    Form N°13

  • Regional diplomacy and challenges of water transfer between the Congo River and Lake Chad basins 
    Form N°14

  • Need for in-depth studies on the mapping of Mbororo migratory routes in the Uélé 
    Form N°15

  • Discrimination of indigenous Pygmy people in decision-making
    Form N°16

  • Climate change and its implication on the living conditions of indigenous Pygmy peoples
    Form N°17

  • Climate change, agricultural credit and sexual gender-based violence
    Form N°18

  • Perspective of Mbororo migrant herders on the reasons for their migration in the Congo Basin
    Form N°19

  • Raising awareness among women about their economic empowerment 
    Form N°20

  • Climate disruption and its consequences on women's livelihood activities 
    Form N°21

  •  Transhumance of Mbororo herders and pressure on natural resources in the study area
    Form N°22

  •  Threats from Mbororo herders on the subsistence activities of the local population in the study region
    Form N°23

  •  Intercommunity conflicts in the study area
    Form N°24

  •  Presence of Mbororo migrant herders and multiplication of agropastoral conflicts in the Congo Basin
    Form N°25

  • Insecurity in production sites for women and girls in the study area 
    Form N°26

  • On the transhumance of Mbororo herders with their families 
    Form N°27

  •  Conflicts and recruitment of children into armed groups in the study area
    Form N°28

  • Perception of civil society organizations on the presence of migrant breeders in the study region 
    Form N°29

  • Perception of local populations on the origin of migrant herders on transhumance in the study area 
    Form N°30