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Dr. Raphaël Tshimanga Muamba, hydrologist, Professor, Gender: Male, Nationality: Congolese (DRC)

15980, Av. Mbanza-Ngungu, Q. RIGHINI, C. Lemba, Kinshasa ; P.O BOX : 117 KIN XI, Kinshasa, DRC

Congo Basin Water Resources Research and Capacity Building Center – CRREBaC

g ;    Outil innovant de gestion des eaux : ; ORCID :  

University of Kinshasa, RCC - BP: 1031, UNIKIN, Kinshasa, DRC

Email:  rd (alternate) ;

Cell: +243 (0) 820949456

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Identification et contacts 

P.O BOX : 117 KIN XI, Kinshasa, DRC
Email : (main) ; (alternate) ; Cell: +243 (0) 820949456
Site web : ; Congo River Basin Decision Support System: ; 
Google scholar : ; ORCID :

Email : : rd


Educational Background and degrees

2012. Post-Doc in Hydrology (Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa), April – December 2012.
2012. PhD in Hydrology (Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa), Jan 2009- April 2012.
2008. Post graduate research certificate in Water Management, University of Bergen, Norway.
2007. MSc in Integrated Water Resources Management, Majoring in Hydrology (Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania), 2006-2007.
2004. Postgraduate Diploma in Hydraulic Engineering and River Basin Development (International Annual Diploma course, Hydraulic Research Institute; Cairo, Egypt).
2002. BSc and Hons. (5 years) Agricultural Engineering, Majoring in Soil and Water Sciences, (Department of Natural Resources Management, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, University of Kinshasa.

History of employment and appointment

·       023+ Co-Président, Initiative Science pour le Bassin du Congo,

2023+ Co-Chair, Congo Basin Science Initiative and Science Panel for the Congo Basin

·       2023+ Co-Président, Panel Scientifique pour le Bassin du Congo 


Current and recently completed projects

·       Données multisectorielles pour la mise en œuvre de la stratégie nationale de gestion durable des tourbières en République démocratique du Congo dans le contexte du changement climatique (les quatre composantes de l’étude sont : Hydrologie et Climat, Végétation, Maladies Zoonotiques, Socio-économie).  Etudes réalisées pour le compte de l’Unité Nationale de Gestion des Tourbières, Ministère de l’Environnement et de Développement Durable.

-    Project type: Investment; Duration: November 2021 – June 2022; Funding agency: Belgian Development Agency – ENABEL; Position held: Principal Investigator

·       Evaluation des Menaces Anthropiques qui pèsent sur les Tourbières de la Cuvette Centrale en République Démocratique du Congo. Etudes réalisées pour le compte de l’Unité Nationale de Gestion des Tourbières, Ministère de l’Environnement et de Développement Durable.

-        Type of project: Investment; Duration: November 2021 – June 2022; Funding agency: Belgian Development Agency – ENABEL; Position held: Principal Investigator

·       Développement d'un cadre de classification des bassins versants pour les prévisions hydrologiques et la gestion des ressources en eau dans le bassin du fleuve Congo :  

-        Project Type: Research Project; Duration: 2019 – 2022; Funding Agency: Royal Society of the United Kingdom and African Academy of Sciences; Position held: Principal Investigator

·       Projet sur l’Hydraulique et la Morphologie pour les Usagers du Fleuve Congo – CRUHM.

-        Type of project: Research and capacity building project; Duration: 2016-2022

-        Funding Agency: Royal Society of the United Kingdom - DFID; Position held: Principal Investigator

·       Mise en œuvre d'un programme de renforcement des capacités sur les applications d'observation de la Terre pour la gestion des ressources en eau en Afrique centrale, Surveillance globale de l'environnement pour la sécurité en Afrique.

-        Type of project: Research project; Duration: 2018 – 2021; Funding and Implementing Agencies: African Union/CICOS; Position held: Co-investigator for the implementing partner 

·       Cartographie des risques d'inondation pour le continent africain à hyper-résolution-HYFLOOD de nouvelle génération

-        Type of project: Research project; Duration: 2019 – 2021;  Funding and Implementing Agencies: National Environment Research Council -UK/ University of Bristol and CRREBaC; Position held: Co-investigator

·       Nexus Climat-Eau-Migrations-Conflits dans le Bassin du Congo : Analyse des interactions pour eau pour renforcer la résilience des communautés dans le Bassin du Congo.

-        Project Type: Research Project; Duration: 2019 – 2021; Funding and Implementing Agencies: International Development Research Center - IDRC, Canada/CRREBaC and United Nations University UNU-INWEH; Position held: Principal Investigator

·       Conception d'un réseau hydrométéorologique optimal pour le bassin de la rivière Kasai, République démocratique du Congo.

-        Type of project: Investment project; Duration: April 2018 - November 2018; Financing and Implementing Agencies: African Development Bank/Ministry of Rural Development; Position held: Principal Consultant

·       Projet de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau et des eaux usées dans les petits États insulaires en développement de l'océan Atlantique et de l'océan Indien.

-        Type of project: Investment project; Duration: 2013-2017; Funding and implementing agencies: GEF-UNDP, UNEP, UNOPS, Government of Comoros; Position held: International Principal Consultant

·       Développement de contraintes régionales pour la prédiction du débit des cours d'eau et l'évaluation des impacts du changement climatique dans les bassins versants non jaugés du fleuve Congo

-        Duration: November 2014 - December 2015; Funding Agency: European Union-TIGER-ESA; Position held: Principal Investigator

·       Développement d'un modèle d'évaluation et de planification de l'eau (WEAP) pour le bassin du fleuve Congo : Projet de la Banque Mondiale sur le renforcement de la résilience des infrastructures africaines aux changements climatiques   

-        Type of project: Investment project; Duration: February 2013 - June 2014; Financing agency: World Bank Group, US. ; Position held: Principal Investigator

·       Evaluation de la vulnérabilité et de l'adaptation au changement climatique dans le secteur de l'eau en République démocratique du Congo (février à décembre, 2013), Ministère de l'Environnement, RDC.

-        Duration: February to December 2013; Funding Agency: UNDP/Ministry of Environment, DRC; Position held: Principal investigator

·       Evaluation de l'état des services hydrométéorologiques en République Démocratique du Congo 

-        Duration: June 2014 - November 2015; Funding agency: ECCAS/Global Water Partnership; Position held: Principal Investigator

Research experience, achievements and innovation 

Development of an information system on water resources and a knowledge hub for the Congo Basin: CB-CIS v.1.0:, 2021, the first knowledge interface for the Congo Basin Congo which provides cutting-edge quality information on the structure, processes and functions of water resources at the scale of a watershed or management unit, as well as on the impacts on the physical environment and society., in-water-of-the-congo-basin-cb-cis/

Co-editor of a pair of new books, February 2022, published simultaneously in English and French under AGU-Wiley: Congo Basin Hydrology, Climate, and Biogeochemistry: A Foundation for the Future. These books are the result of an impressive global collaboration that exemplifies the values of AGU's strategic plan to create a prosperous, sustainable, and equitable future supported by scientific discovery, innovation, and action. . The books are available in English:  ET en français :   .

Development of the first semi-distributed hydrological model at the watershed scale for the assessment of water resources in the Congo Basin between 2009-2012 :   . The model was then widely used to support World Bank and CICOS projects on hydrological applications.

Initiation and creation of the Congo Basin Water Resources Research Center (CRREBaC, / ) . I developed the proposal for the creation of the research center following historical difficulties in setting up an effective research program on the water resources of the Congo Basin. The center was then established in 2018 and has since become a gateway to scientific research in the Congo Basin, including a scientific committee of more than 30 Scientists and Academics from global institutions: , and assists in global collaborative research and information sharing.

- Successful implementation of the CRuHM (Congo River users Hydraulics and Morphology Project), a research and capacity building project funded by the UK Royal Society, with large-scale scientific expeditions on the main reach of the Congo River covering 1700 km between 2017-2019. These were the first large-scale scientific expeditions which took place more than 60 years after the work carried out during the colonial period. They provided unprecedented in situ data on the river's bathymetry, water surface elevation, sediment transport and geomorphology.  .There are now plans to use some of this data to validate the next Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission, see :   .

Successful implementation of the Climate, Water, Migration and Conflict project in the Congo Basin, funded by IDRC/Canada. .

Launch and implementation of an international master's program in water resources at the University of Kinshasa as part of the Intra-African Academic Mobility Program in Water Resources, involving five African partner institutions and funded by the European Union . .The innovation of this master's program consists of training based on the potential services of water resources available in the Congo River Basin region, thus offering five specializations: Water and biodiversity, Water and energy, Water and navigation, Water supply water and sanitation, Irrigation and drainage.

- Organization of the international conference on the Congo River (virtual and face-to-face), July 2021 :  

Publications (See Appendix, page 8 of this CV)

100 + publications accessible on

·        Google scholar : ;

·       ORCID :

·        Recent major publications

Tshimanga. R.M., Moukandi Nkaya, G., Alsdorf, D. (2022). Congo Basin Hydrology, Climate, and Biogeochemistry: A Foundation for the Future. Print ISBN: 9781119656975 |Online ISBN: 9781119657002 |DOI: 10.1002/9781119657002,

Tshimanga, R. M., Bisa, M.K., Lututala, B.M. (2022). Nexus Climat-Eau-Migrations-Conflits dans le Bassin du Congo : Analyse des Interactions en Vue de Renforcer la Résilience des Communautés. Editions Esperance, Paris, France.  ISBN: 978-2-492599-16-3

Mobilité académique

·       Professeur Visiteur : Ecole des sciences géographiques, Université de Bristol, Royaume-Uni, septembre à novembre 2019.

·       Professeur Visiteur : Cours de Master en gestion des risques liés au changement climatique et aux catastrophes naturelles, Université du Burundi.


2022.    Second Best Researcher, University of Kinshasa, DRC.

2022.    Distinguished Alumni Awards, Rhodes University, South Africa,

2021-present: Inaugural Member and Executive Committee Member of the Pan-African Scientific Research Council (PASRC).

2019-present: Research Fellow Award for the FLAIR (Future Leader African Independent Researcher), UK Royal Society and African Academy of Sciences


Membre du comité scientifique du Programme international de géosciences (PICG)/UNESCO (depuis 2014) ; CB-HYDRONET (depuis juillet 2013) ; Réseau africain des eaux souterraines - AGWnet (depuis 2008) ; Cap-Net (depuis 2010) ; Association internationale des sciences hydrologiques - AISH (depuis 2010) ; Waternet (depuis 2007); Nile Basin Capacity Building for River Engineering-NBCBN (depuis 2004).

 Raphael M. Tshimanga

Annexe: Liste des publications

Peer reviewed articles

Sani, Z, Mbuyi, H.K., Tshimanga, R.M.  Twaha, A.B., Odume, N.O. (2024). Relationship between land use and water quality in a tropical urban catchment of the Congo Basin: A case study of N’Djili River catchment. Water Practice & Technology doi: 10.2166/wpt.2024.080

Kitambo, B.M., Papa, F., Paris, A., Tshimanga, R.M., Frappart, F., Calmant, S.,  Omid Elmi, Ayan Santos Fleischmann, Melanie Becker, Mohammad J. Tourian, Rômulo A. Jucá Oliveira, and Sly Wongchuig (2023). A long-term monthly surface water storage dataset for the Congo basin from 1992 to 2015.

Ruppen, D., Runnalls, J., Tshimanga, R.M, Wehrli, B., Odermatt, D.  (2023). Optical remote sensing of large-scale water pollution in Angola and DRCongo caused by the Catoca mine tailings spill. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Volume 118, April 2023, 103237.   

Nonki, R.M., Amoussou, E., Lennard, C.J., Lenouo A. Tshimanga, R.M., Houndenou, C. (2023). Quantification and allocation of uncertainties of climate change impacts on hydropower potential under 1.5 ◦C and 2.0 ◦C global warming levels in the headwaters of the Benue River Basin, Cameroon, Renewable Energy 215 (2023) 118979,

Nonki, R.M., Amoussou, E., Tshimanga, R.M. Djan’na Koubodana Houteta., Kodja, J.D., Ghomsi, F.E.K., Lenou, A. (2023). Performance assessment of daily GR conceptual rainfall-runoff models in the Upper Benue River (Cameroon) using airGR packages. Proc. IAHS, 100, 1–8, 2023

Nonki, R.M., Amoussou, E., Lenou, A., Tshimanga, R.M., Houndenou, C. (2023). Sensitivity and identifiability analysis of a conceptual-lumped model in the headwaters of the Benue River Basin, Cameroon: implications for uncertainty quantification and parameter optimization. Hydrology Research (2023) 54 (9): 1036–1054.

Sly Wongchuig, Benjamin M.Kitambo, Fabrice Papa, Adrien Paris, AyanSantos Fleischmann, Laetitia Gal, Julien Boucharel, Rodrigo Paiva, RômuloJucá Oliveira, Tshimanga, R.M.,  Stéphane Calmant (2023). Improved modeling of Congo's hydrology for floods and droughts analysis and ENSO teleconnections. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies . Volume 50, December 2023, 101563. .

Freddy Bangelesa, Daniel Abel, Felix Pollinger, Praveen Rai, Katrin Ziegler, Dav Ebengo, Raphael M. Tshimanga, Mapatano Mala Ali, Jasper Knight, Heiko Paeth (2023). Projected changes in rainfall amount and distribution in the Democratic Republic of Congo – Evidence from an ensemble of high-resolution climate simulations. Weather and Climate Extremes. Volume 42, December 2023, 100620

Tourian, J.M., Papa, F., Elmi, O., Sneeuw, N., Kitambo, B., Tshimanga, R.M., Paris, A., Calmant, S. (2023). Current availability and distribution of Congo Basin’s freshwater resources. Commun Earth Environ 4, 174 (2023).

Karam, S., Zango, S.B., Seidou, O., Perera, D., Nagabhatla, N., Tshimanga, R. M. (2023). Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrological Regimes in the Congo River Basin. Sustainability 2023, 15(7), 6066;

Karam, S., Seidou, O., Nagabhatla, N., Perera, D., Tshimanga, R. M. (2022). Assessing the impacts of climate change on climatic extremes in the Congo River Basin. Climatic change, 170(3), 1-24.

Papa, F., Crétaux, J.F., Grippa, M., Robert, E., Trigg, M.A., Tshimanga, R,M., Kitambo, B., Paris, A., Carr, A.B., Fleischmann, A.S., de Fleury, M., Gbetkom, P.G.,Calmettes, B., Calmant, S. (2022).  Water Resources in Africa under Global Change: Monitoring Surface Waters from Space. Surveys in Geophysics  

Kitambo, B., Papa, F., Paris, A., Tshimanga, R.M, Calmant, S., Fleischmann, A.S., Frappart, F., Becker, M., Tourian, M.J. Prigent, C., Andriambeloson, J. (2022). A combined use of in situ and satellite-derived observations to characterize surface hydrology and its variability in the Congo River basin. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 1857–1882, 2022.

Bola, G.B., Tshimanga, R.M., Neal, J., Trigg, M.A., Hawker. L., Lukanda, V.M., Bates, P., 2022. Understanding Flood Seasonality and Flood Regime shift in the Congo River Basin. Hydrological Sciences Journal, Volume 67, 2022 - Issue 10.

Talling, Peter, Baker, Megan, Pope, Ed, Jacinto, Ricardo Silva, Heijnen, Maarten, Hage, Sophie, Simmons, Stephen, Hasenhündl, Martin, Heerema, Catharina, Ruffell, Sean, McGhee, Claire, Apprioual, Ronan, Ferrant, Anthony, Cartigny, Matthieu, Parsons, Daniel, Clare, Michael, Tshimanga, R. M., Trigg, M.A., Cula, Costa, Faria, Rui, Gaillot, Arnaud, Bola, Gode, Wallace, Declan, Griffiths, Allan, Nunny, Robert, Urlaub, Morelia, Peirce, Christine, Burnett, Richard, Neasham, Jeffrey and Hilton, Robert (2022). Longest sediment flows yet measured show how major rivers connect efficiently to deep sea. Nat Commun 13, 4193 (2022). 

Nonki, R. M., Amoussou, E., Tshimanga, R. M., Koubodana, H. D., Kemgang Ghomsi, F. E., and Lenouo, A.: Performance assessment of a daily time-step HYMOD conceptual rainfall-runoff model for the Upper Benue River, Cameroon. IAHS2022-547,, 2022.

Kabuya, P., Hughes, D.A., Tshimanga, R.M., Trigg, M.A., Bates, P. (2022). Assessing the potential value of the regionalised input constraint indices for constraining hydrological model simulations in the Congo River Basin. Advances in Water Resources, Volume 159, January 2022, 104093.

Tshimanga, R,M., Génie-Spirou K Lutonadio, Nana K Kabujenda, Christian M Sondi, Emmanuel-Tsadok N Mihaha, Jean-Felly K Ngandu, Landry N Nkaba, Gerard M Sankiana, Jules T Beya, Anaclet M Kombayi, Lisette M Bonso, Augustin L Likenge, Nicole M Nsambi, Prisca Z Sumbu, Yuma Bin Yuma, Michel K Bisa, Bernard M Lututala. (2021). An Integrated Information System of Climate-Water-Migrations-Conflicts Nexus in the Congo Basin. Sustainability 2021, 13(16), 9323;

Mahé, G., Abdo, G., Amoussou, E., Brou, T., Dietrich, S., Tayeb, A., van Lanen,H., Meddi, M., Mishra, A., Orange, D., Thi Phuong Quynh Le, Tshimanga, R.M., Valimba, P., Yepez, S., Ogilvie, A., Amrouni, O. (2021). The UNESCO FRIEND-Water program: accelerates, shares and transfers knowledge and innovation in hydrology across the world in the frame of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Program (IHP). Proc. IAHS, 384, 5–18, 2021; ;

Tramblay, Y., Nathalie Rouché, Jean-Emmanuel Paturel, Gil Mahé, Jean-François Boyer, Ernest Amoussou, Ansoumana Bodian, Honoré Dacosta, Hamouda Dakhlaoui, Alain Dezetter, Denis Hughes, Lahoucine Hanich, Christophe Peugeot, Tshimanga, R.M., Patrick Lachassagne. (2021). ADHI: the African Database of Hydrometric Indices (1950-2018). Earth System Science Data, 2021, 13, pp.1547-1560.

Nonki, R. M., Lenouo, A., Lennard, C. J., Tshimanga, R. M., Tchawoua, C. (2021). Comparison between dynamic and static sensitivity analysis approaches for impact assessment of different potential evapotranspiration methods on hydrological models’ performance. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22(10), 2713-2730.

Saatchi, S., Marcos Longo, Liang Xu, Yan Yang, Hitofumi Abe, Michel André, Juliann E Aukema, …. Tshimanga, R.M. Rodrigo Vargas, Michelle Venter, Joshua West, Atiek Widayati, Sylvia N Wilson, Steven Brumby, Aurora C Elmore. (2021). Detecting vulnerability of humid tropical forests to multiple stressors. One Earth 4, 988–1003.

Laraque, A., Moukandi N’kaya, G. D., Orange, D., Tshimanga, R., Tshitenge, J. M., Mahé, G., Nguimalet, C. R., Trigg, M. A., Yepez, S. and Gulemvuga, G. (2020) 'Recent Budget of Hydroclimatology and Hydrosedimentology of the Congo River in Central Africa.', Water, 12(2613).

Hawker, A, Neal, J., Tellman,B., Liang,J., Schumann, G., Doyle,C., Sullivan,J., Savage, J.,  Tshimanga, R.M., 2020. Comparing earth observation and inundation models to map frequent to rare flood hazards.  ERL-108837, Environmental Research Letters.

Trigg, A.M., Tshimanga, R.M. 2020. Capacity Building in the Congo Basin: Rich Resources Requiring Sustainable Development. One Earth 2, 2020 Elsevier Inc

Kabuya, P.M., Hughes, D.A., Tshimanga, R,M., Trigg, A.M., Bates, P. 2020. Establishing uncertainty ranges of hydrologic indices across climate and physiographic regions of the Congo River Basin: Journal of Hydrology - Regional Studies, . Volume 30, August 2020, 100710.

Beighley, E., Tshimanga, R.M., N’Kaya, M. G, 2019.  Establishing science campaigns in sub-Saharan Africa, Eos, 100,

Carr, A.B., Trigg, M.A., Tshimanga, R.M., Borman, J.D., Smith, M.W. 2019. Greater Water Surface Variability Revealed by New Congo River Field Data: Implications for Satellite Altimetry Measurements of Large Rivers. Geophysical Research Letters

Kim, D.; Lee, H.; Beighley, E.; Tshimanga, R.M. Estimating discharges for poorly gauged river basin using ensemble learning regression with satellite altimetry data and a hydrologic model. Adv. Space Res. 2019.

Mushi, C.A., Ndomba,P.M., Trigg, M.A., Tshimanga, R.M., Mtalo, F. 2019. Assessment of basin-scale soil erosion within the Congo River Basin: A review. Catena 178 (2019) 64–76.

Kim, D., Lee, H., Laraque, A., Tshimanga, R.M., Yuan, T., Jung, H.C., Beighley, E., Chang, C. 2017. Mapping spatio-temporal water level variations  over the central Congo River using PALSAR ScanSAR and Envisat altimetry data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017. Vol. 38, No. 23, 7021–7040.

Yuan, T., Lee, H., Jung, H.C.,   Aierken, A., Beighley, E., Alsdorf, D., Tshimanga, R.M., Kim, D. 2017. Absolute water storages in the Congo River floodplains from integration of InSAR and satellite radar altimetry. Remote Sensing of Environment 201 (2017) 57–72.

Alsdorf, D., Beighley, E., Laraque, A., Lee, H., Tshimanga, R.M.,  O’Loughlin, F., Mahe, G., Dinga, B., Moukandi, G., Spencer, R.G.M. 2016. Opportunities for Hydrologic Research in the Congo Basin. Reviews of Geophycs,

Tshimanga, R.M., Hughes, D.A., 2014. Basin-scale performance of a semidistributed rainfall-runoff model for hydrological predictions and water resources assessment of large rivers: The Congo River, Water Resour. Res., 50, doi: 10.1002/2013WR014310

Hughes, D.A., Tshimanga, R.M., Sithabile, T., Tanner, J., 2013. Simulating Wetland Impacts on Streamflow in Southern Africa Using a Monthly Hydrological Model. Journal of Hydrological Processes DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9725

Tshimanga, R.M., Hughes, D.A., 2012. Climate change and impacts on the hydrology of the Congo Basin: the case of the northern sub-basins of the Oubangui and Sangha Rivers. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 50–52 (2012) 72–83

Tshimanga, R.M ., Hughes, D.A., Kapangaziwiri, E., 2011. Understanding hydrological processes and estimating model parameter values in large basins: The case of the Congo River Basin.  IAHS Publ.345: 17-22.

Tshimanga, R.M ., Hughes, D.A., Kapangaziwiri, E., 2011. Initial calibration of a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model for the Congo River Basin. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 36: 14-15.

Hughes, D.A., Tshimanga, M.R., Sithabile, T., 2010. Simulating the hydrology and water resources of large rivers in southern Africa. Global Change-Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources. IAHS Publ.340: 591-597, 2010.

Tshimanga, R.M ., Ndomba, P. M., 2008. Environmental water requirements rapid assessment (Downstream of the Hydropower Plant of Lower Kihansi), Nile Basin Water Engineering Scientific Magazine, Vol. 1, October 2008, 12-21.

Edited Books

Tshimanga. R.M., Moukandi Nkaya, G., Alsdorf, D. (2022). Congo Basin Hydrology, Climate, and Biogeochemistry: A Foundation for the Future. Print ISBN: 9781119656975 |Online ISBN: 9781119657002 |DOI: 10.1002/9781119657002,

Tshimanga. R.M., Moukandi Nkaya, G., Alsdorf, D. (2022). Hydrologie, Climat et Biogéochimie du Bassin du Congo: Une Base pour l'Avenir. Print ISBN: 9781119842095 |Online ISBN: 9781119842125 |DOI: 10.1002/9781119842125

Tshimanga, R. M., Bisa, M.K., Lututala, B.M. (2022). Nexus Climat-Eau-Migrations-Conflits dans le Bassin du Congo : Analyse des Interactions en Vue de Renforcer la Résilience des Communautés. ISBN: 978-2-492599-16-3, Editions Esperance, Paris, France. 

Peer reviewed book chapters

Tshimanga, R,M., Moukandi N'kaya, G.D.,Laraque , A., , Nicholson E. S.,  Kileshye Onema , J.M., Lumbuenamo, R., ., Alsdorf, D. (2022) . Congo Basin Research: Building a Foundation for the Future.;

Moukandi N'kaya, G.D.,Laraque , A.,  Paturel, J.E., Gulemvuga G.G., Mahé, G., Tshimanga, R.M. (2022). New look at hydrology in the Congo Basin, based on the study of multi-decadal hydro-rainfall chronicles. ;

Sridhar, V., Kang, H., Ali, S.A., Bola, G., Tshimanga, M.R., Lakshmi, V. (2022). Bilan hydrique et sécheresses dans les conditions actuelles et futures dans le bassin du fleuve Congo. ;

Tshimanga, R.M. (2022). Two decades of hydrological modeling and prediction in the Congo Basin: progress and perspectives for future investigations. ;

Yuan, T., Lee, H., Beighley, E., Jung, C.H., Tshimanga, R.M. ( 2022). Water sources and sinks of the Cuvette Centrale wetlands using multiple remote sensing measurements and a hydrological model. ;

Carr, A.B., Trigg, M.A., Tshimanga, R.M., Smith, W.M., Borman,J.D., Bates, P. (2022).  Estimation of bathymetry for modeling the hydraulics of multi-wire canals: application to the middle course of the Congo River. ;

Paris, A., Calmant, S., Gosset, M., Fleischmann, A., Conchy, T., Garambois, P.A.,  Bricquet, J.P., Papa, F., Tshimanga, R.M., Laraque, A., Gulemvuga, G., Siqueira, V., Tondo, B.,  Paiva, P., Santos da Silva, J. (2022).  Suivi des variables hydrologiques par télédétection et modélisation dans le bassin du fleuve Congo.;

Trigg, A. M., Carr, B. A., Smith, W. M., Tshimanga, R.M. (2022). Measuring geomorphological changes on the Congo River using century-old navigation maps. ;

Mushi C.A., Ndomba, P.M., Tshimanga R.M., Trigg, M.A., Neal, J., Bola, G., Kabuya, P.M., Carr, A.B., Beya, J.T., Mtalo, F., Bates, P. (2022). Sélection du site, conception et mise en œuvre d'un programme d'échantillonnage des sédiments sur le fleuve Kasaï, un affluent majeur du fleuve Congo. ;

Tshimanga, R,M., Trigg, M.A., Neal,J., Ndomba, P., Hughes,D.A., Carr, A.B., Kabuya, P.M., Bola, G.,  Mushi, A.M., Beya, J.T., Ngandu, F.K., Mokango, G.M., Mtalo,F., Bates, P. (2022). New measurements of water dynamics and sediment transport along the middle reach of the Congo River and the Kasaï River. ; .

Tshimanga, R.M., Bola, G.,  Kabuya, P., Nkaba, L., Neal, J., Hawker, L., Trigg A.M., Bates,P., Hughes, A.D.,  Hughes, Laraque, A., Woods, R., Wagener, T. (2022). Towards a watershed classification framework for hydrological predictions and water resources management in the ungauged Congo River basin: an a priori approach. ;

Bola, G., Tshimanga, R.M., Neal, J., Hawker,L.,  Lukanda, M.V.,Trigg, A,M., Bates, P. (2022). Assessment of flood risks with multiple return periods in the Congo River basin. ;

Trigg, A. M., Tshimanga, R.M., Ndomba, P.M., Mtalo, F.A., Hughes, D.A., Mushi, C.A., Bola, G.B., Kabuya, P.M., Carr, A.B., Bernhofen, M., Neal, J., Beya, J.T., Ngandu, F.K., Bates, P. (2022). Mettre les usagers de la rivière au cœur de la recherche sur l'hydraulique et la morphologie dans le bassin du Congo. ;

Tshimanga, R.M., Alsdorf, D., Laraque, A., Hughes, D.A., Gulemvuga, G., Mahe, G., 2016. Hydrology of

Large Rivers: the Congo River Basin. In Handbook of Applied Hydrology (Ed. Vijay Singh), ISBN:

9780071835091, McGraw-Hill Education 2016

Tshimanga, R.M., Tshitenge, JM., Kabuya, P., Alsdorf, D., Mahe, G., Kibukusa , G., Lukanda V., 2016. A

Regional Perceptive of Flood Forecasting and Disaster Management Systems for the Congo

River Basin. In Flood Forecasting: A Global Persepective (Eds. Thomas E Adams and Thomas

C. Pagano), ISBN: 978-0-12-801884-2, ELSEVIER.

Tshimanga, R.M., 2016. Water and food systems in the Congo rainforest. In Water and Food, A history of

water, ser. 3, v. 3 (Eds. Terje, and Terje Oestigaard), ISBN: 9781780768717, I. B. Tauris 2016

Tshimanga, R.M. , 2009. T he Congo Nile: Water Uses, Policies and Challenges, in the river nile in the post-colonial age, conflict and cooperation in the nile basin countries, I. B. Tauris & Company, Li. 2009.

Tshimanga, R.M. , 2009. Traditional Systems of Water and Water Resources Management Along the Upper Congo River. In Water, Culture and Identity: Comparing Past and Present Traditions in the Nile Basin Region.   BRIC Press, Bergen, 2009, 272 pp. ISBN 978-82-7453-080-5.

Scientific editorial (Guest Editor)

1.      Venkat Sridhar, Fazlul Karim, Raphael M. Tshimanga (Guest Editors).               "Hydrologic and Water Resources Vulnerability and Resilience in a Changing Climate" A special issue of Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050).  ; "Sustainable Water Management".

2.      Andrew Ogilvie, Frédéric Frappart, Lisa Maria Rebelo, Raphael M. Tshimanga (Guest Editors).       "Advances of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology in Surface Water Bodies" A special issue of Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292). ; "Environmental Remote Sensing ".