Project Administrative Management Workshop

The capacity building workshop for Project stakeholders on Administrative Management was led by Dr. Michele Leone from the International Development Research Center (IDRC) during the official launch of Project activities. It allowed participants to focus on IDRC's policy regarding funding research projects in developing countries.
22 May 2020 by
Project Administrative Management Workshop
Christian SONDI
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This training allowed participants to note:

  • The particularities of the financing of this project, classified by the IDRC in the so-called “high risk” category for several reasons, among others the fact of not having yet implemented a project with the CRREBaC in the context of the Congo Basin but also in relation to the security situation in the host country, the DRC;

  • The intention of the project managers on the different aspects of the CRDI in terms of the project life cycle essentially the requirements of the CRDI in the presentation of deliverables: Submission of technical and financial reports by the CRREBaC, examination of financial reports, approval and release payments by the CRDI, ... until the closure of the project;

  • The procedure for formulating a request for funding from the IDRC which is done in complete transparency thanks to calls for research proposals and/or financing of projects aimed at creating jobs and ensuring food security, health, peace and prosperity in developing countries.


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