Christian SONDI Design of an Optimal Hydrometeorological and Climate Monitoring Network for the Kasaï Watershed Télécharger PDF Télécharger PDF The book "Design of an Optimal Hydrometeorological and Climate Monitoring Network for the Kasaï Watershed" presents a study carried out as part of the Project to Streng... 13 Feb 2024
Christian SONDI Socio-economic issues of the waters of the Congo basin in the face of climate change The Congo Basin is home to one of the most important water resources in the world, but it also faces many socio-economic challenges related to the management of this vital resource. During the General... 16 Jun 2023
Christian SONDI How to manage the water resources of the Congo Basin? The Congo Basin has a regular hydrological regime with different variabilities in the rainy season and in the dry season. This resource is, however, almost entirely unexploited. It only contributes ma... Bassin Congo Gestion eau 20 May 2020
Christian SONDI Strategic priorities for water resources in the Congo Basin . The Congo Basin offers opportunities for the production and provision of many goods and services, including agriculture and food security, fishing, hydropower, water supply, transport and maintenanc... 16 Mar 2020
Christian SONDI AGU Chapman conference on hydrologic research in the Congo Basin As of September 25, 2018, Dr. Raphael Tshimanga from CRREBaC (Center for Research in Water Resources of the Congo Basin) was invited to the headquarters of the UAG (American Geophysical Union) in Wash... Bassin Congo Hydrologie Recherche 20 Jul 2018