Prof. Raphaël TSHIMANGA Evaluation of the sustainable management of the ichthyological biodiversity of the Pool Malebo Kinshasa, DRC In the Malebo Pool, fishing has become a major source of income for many fishermen and fish sellers. This could be explained, among other things, by the lack of remunerative employment, the exponentia... 4 Oct 2023
Christian SONDI Analysis of threats and opportunities for local populations in the Moanda Mangrove Marine Park, DRC The Moanda Mangrove Marine Park, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is an ecological treasure of major importance. Established as a park since May 2, 1992 and designated a protected area on ... 30 Sept 2023
Christian SONDI Analysis of the dynamics of small lake systems in the Congo Basin in the context of environmental change Water is an essential resource for socio-economic development, but its availability is increasingly threatened by population growth and environmental pressures. In this context, water supply becomes a... 30 Sept 2023