An Integrated Information System of Climate-Water-Migrations-Conflicts Nexus in the Congo Basin

Publication : Article
22 January 2022 by
CRREBaC, Nana Kabujenda
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Title of Article: "An Integrated Information System of Climate-Water-Migrations-Conflicts                                                                 Nexus in the Congo Basin"                                                    Journal : Sustainability
Sustainability 2021, 13(16), 9323 ;
Published :  19th August 2021                                                   
Speciality : Modelling and Simulation of Human-Environment InteractionsModelling and Simulation of Human-Environment Interactions 
Auteurs : Tshimanga, Raphael M., Génie-Spirou K. Lutonadio, Nana K. Kabujenda, Christian M. Sondi, Emmanuel-Tsadok N.                               Mihaha, Jean-Felly K. Ngandu, Landry N. Nkaba, Gerard M. Sankiana, Jules T. Beya, Anaclet M. Kombayi, Lisette M.                            Bonso, Augustin L. Likenge, Nicole M. Nsambi, Prisca Z. Sumbu, Yuma B. Yuma, Michel K. Bisa, and Bernard M. Lututala

  • Abstract : We present an integrated information system needed to address the climate-water-migration[1]conflict nexus in the Congo Basin. It is based on a rigorous and multidisciplinary methodological approach that consists of designing appropriate tools for field surveys and data collection campaigns, data analysis, creating a statistical database and creating a web interface with the aim to make this information system publicly available for users and stakeholders. The information system developed is a structured and organized set of quantitative and qualitative data on the climate[1]water-migration-conflict nexus and gender, consisting of primary data collected during field surveys. It contains 250 aggregated variables or 575 disaggregated variables, all grouped into 15 thematic areas, including identification; socio-demographic characteristics; access to resources; perception of climate change; perception of migration; financial inclusion (savings, access to credit and circulation of money); domination and control on water resources, land ownership and property rights, conflict resolution and community resilience; water uses; vulnerability to climate change; housing, household assets and household expenditure; food security; health, hygiene and sanitation; environmental risk management; women’s economic autonomy; and water transfer from the Congo Basin to Lake Chad. The information system can be used to model and understand the interface of human-environment interactions, and develop scenarios necessary to address the challenges of climate change and resilient development, while supporting key policy areas and strategies to foster effective stakeholder participation to ensure management and governance of climate and natural resources in the Congo Basin.

  • Keywords: Congo BasinLake Chadclimate changewatermigrationsconflictsgenderresilient development

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Congo Basin Catchment Information System


Congo Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Tool

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