Socio-economic issues of the waters of the Congo basin in the face of climate change

Intervention by Professor Raphael Tshimanga at the General Assembly of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions of Member States and Governments of La Francophonie (UCESIF)
16 June 2023 by
Socio-economic issues of the waters of the Congo basin in the face of climate change
Christian SONDI
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The Congo Basin is home to one of the most important water resources in the world, but it also faces many socio-economic challenges related to the management of this vital resource. During the General Assembly of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions of Africa (UCESIF), Professor Raphael Tshimanga, representative of Economic and Social Council of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), delivered an important speech highlighting the socio-economic issues of the Congo Basin waters in the context of climate change. In this video, we will present the main points covered by Professor Tshimanga.

Here are the main points addressed by the Professor:

Fresh water scarcity and the need for sustainable management

Professor Tshimanga emphasizes that fresh water is a rare and finite resource that must be conserved and protected. It highlights the importance of developing an alternative economic model that allows not only the conservation of water resources, but also their optimal exploitation to support the socio-economic development of the DRC and the Basin Countries.

Fresh water as an economic resource and governance challenges

Professor Tshimanga's speech also highlights the fact that fresh water has economic value in all its uses. It highlights the importance of water governance to ensure equitable and sustainable use of this resource, while highlighting the challenges faced by governments and local communities in the basin.

Demographic pressures and socio-environmental conflicts

Professor Tshimanga addresses growing demographic pressures in the Congo Basin, including the influx of migrants and conflicts between local and migrant communities. It highlights the risks of conflicts linked to encroachment on protected areas and the need to find solutions to preserve the environment and maintain social peace.

Pollution and its consequences on the ecosystem

In his speech, the Professor also highlighted concerns related to water pollution in the Congo Basin, particularly with the latest case experienced with Angola. Professor Tshimanga highlights the disastrous consequences of mining pollution, such as the loss of aquatic biodiversity and the impacts on the health of local populations as well as the insufficiency of effective governance mechanisms to resolve these problems.


The inspiring speech of Professor Raphael Tshimanga at the AGM of l'UCESIF highlights the major socio-economic challenges facing the Congo Basin in terms of water resources management. His remarks underline the importance of an integrated and sustainable approach to preserve the waters of the Congo Basin and guarantee equitable socio-economic development in the region. As a Congo Basin Water Resources Research Center (CRREBaC), we are committed to supporting initiatives to solve these challenges and promote responsible water management.


Congo Basin Catchment Information System


Congo Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Tool

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