Knowledge Management and Theory of Change Workshop

21 May 2020 by
Knowledge Management and Theory of Change Workshop
Christian SONDI
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This capacity building workshop was jointly delivered by Dr John Michael DEVLIN and Dr Nidhi NAGABHATLA during the official launch of Project activities. It was a question of defining knowledge management in depth, which is a multidisciplinary managerial approach bringing together all the initiatives, methods and techniques making it possible to perceive, identify, analyze, organize, memorize, to share the knowledge of the members of an organization, the knowledge created or knowledge generated within the framework of a Research Project or by the company itself (marketing, research and development) or acquired from outside (economic intelligence ), in order to achieve a set objective.

This training allowed participants to note major ideas on knowledge management, namely:

  • Knowledge management within the framework of this project must be a strategy planned in conjunction with the CRREBaC communication policy, including the IT strategy, in line with the available resources, notably finances, humans, materials, etc.

  • The main areas of communication in knowledge management are focused on marketing communication, strategic communication and advocacy, knowledge sharing and learning in the project cycle, information management including the website (to enable access to the results and useful materials of the project).


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