Facilitation of the seminar on target 6.5 of Sustainable Development Goal 6 with emphasis on indicator 6.5.1.

2 February 2017 by
Facilitation of the seminar on target 6.5 of Sustainable Development Goal 6 with emphasis on indicator 6.5.1.
Christian SONDI
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Sustainable Development Goal 6 aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water resources and sanitation for all.

It is unique and transformational in that it truly covers the entire water cycle and transcends the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. Goal 6 is also key to achieving other goals on food security, energy security and biodiversity, among others. Section 6.5.1 targets the implementation of the GIRE. In this regard, a series of activities were organized with the support of the ONU-Environnement through the Expanded Global Surveillance Initiative (GEMI), under the general supervision of Cap-Net PNUD.


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