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Participation in international conferences and publications

16 May 2017 by
Participation in international conferences and publications
Christian SONDI
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Knowledge management is one of the main components of capacity building activities of CB–HYDRONET.

It is in this context that members of the network make efforts to publish and participate in international symposia, with the aim of improving the visibility of the network at the international level. Publications and participation in conferences with the brand CB–HYDRONET in 2017 were the following with in bold are members of CB–HYDRONET :

  • Kim, D., Lee, H., Laraque, A., Tshimanga, R. M., Yuan, T., Jung, H. C., Beighley, E., Chang, C. 2017. Mapping spatio-temporal water level variations on the Congo River power plant using PALSAR ScanSAR and Envisat altimeter data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017 Vol. 38, n ° 23, 7021-7040.

  • Yuan, T., Lee, H., Jung, HC, Aierken, A., Beighley, E., Alsdorf, D., Tshimanga, RM, Kim, D. 2017. Absolute water storage in the Congo River floodplains from the integration of InSAR and satellite radar altimetry. Environmental Remote Sensing 201 (2017) 57-72.

  • Benjamin M. Kitambo, Raphaël M. Tshimanga, Félix W. Mtalo “Estimation of erosion and sediment yield in the N’sele watershed, Democratic Republic of Congo” Paper presented at the 18th Waternet Symposium, Namiba, October 2017.

  • Martin T. Kabantu, Raphaël M. Tshimanga, Jean Marie Kilesye “GIS-based estimation of soil erosion potential and its implications on water resources in the city of Kinshasa, DR Congo” Paper presented at AISH 2017, Port Elisabeth, South Africa, June 2017.


Congo Basin Catchment Information System


Congo Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Tool

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