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Day of reflection for experts and scientists on the environmental disaster due to the pollution of the waters of the Kasai River basin.

From August 19, 2021
2 September 2021 by
CRREBaC, Nana Kabujenda
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A full day dedicated to reflection on the problem of water pollution of the Tshikapa and Kasaï rivers. As these provinces emerge from crises with the Kamuena Nsapu affair and Genocide in Kasai, this area once again strikes.

More than 64 Congolese Scientists and Experts from 33 Institutions met to work on this issue.

Analysis of Facts and Sharing of Information  An overall presentation on the situation was made by Professor Raphael Tshimanga, Director of CRREBaC and Head of the Department of Natural Resources Management of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Kinshasa. This presentation focused on the general overview of the characteristics of the Kasai Watershed, the monitoring situation of water resources in this basin, the inventory of pollution observed in this basin and its consequences.

Testimony on the situation on the ground and discussions in plenary made by institutions represented by institutions: REGIDESO, CREN-K, CRREBaC, DTS-ICCN, Ministry of Mines, CRGM, UNIKIN, Representative of the local communities of Tshikapa, etc.

Thematic group work : Five themes were retained:

  1. Physical Environment

  2. Biological Environment

  3. Social and Economic Environment

  4. Political and Legal Environment (Diplomatic)

  5.  Communication strategy

At the end of the groups' work, the results obtained led to the recommendations as presented in the Report document, below.

 Activity report

Activity gallery 
Activity gallery : Pollution of the Tshikapa and Kasaï rivers identified in the CB-CIS Tool :

Call to action from CRREBaC | CRREBaC


Congo Basin Catchment Information System


Congo Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Tool

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