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Regional assessment of climate variability and change in the Lake Chad and Congo River Basins (copy)

Report of the Results Feedback and Stakeholder Awareness Workshop - July 2021 -
17 July 2020 by
Regional assessment of climate variability and change in the Lake Chad and Congo River Basins (copy)
Christian SONDI
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The overall objective of this study aims to contribute to the preservation and restoration of wetlands in the Democratic Republic of Congo through the integration of Gender in the implementation of mechanisms aimed at guaranteeing their conservation, in order to improve the well-being of the population. Specifically, it is a question of analyzing the evolution of the landscape linked to the factors which influence the spatio-temporal patterns of migrations; identify and analyze the risks linked to the spatio-temporal dynamics of these migrations at the landscape scale, with particular emphasis on socially vulnerable groups; identify and analyze the most effective and affordable local initiatives in managing risks linked to these migratory movements and propose an integrated sustainable management strategy for wetland biodiversity.

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Congo Basin Catchment Information System


Congo Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Tool

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